Wednesday 10 December 2014

At The Zoo

On one sunny Wednesday morning, when the sun was shining and the sparrows were singing, our class and I went to the zoo.  
I walked into an amazing palace of nature. The trees were waving in the breeze as if a giant hand was waving to me. 
“Can we go and see the red pandas first?“ I said to Janene. 
“Sure,” replied Janene. 
Step by step, we walked over to the red panda. At first, we could not see them. I looked into the tree. There was a big box that had a plastic container with food in it. The foods were cutup apple, grapes and oranges. Soon I saw its white and maroon face. I reached into my pocket and pulled  out my phone and took a few photos. The red panda was so cute.
Next, we saw the meerkats. There was only one of them. It poked its little head up to look for danger. Soon, there was another one, digging into the sand, then it climbed onto the large old log. It jumped onto the side and back to the ground, then it stood on two legs.

Finally, we went to see the giraffe. It was eating the hay, then it started to walk over to us. It stretched its long neck up above us then another one came to us. Just in time, I took a photo. 
“Say cheese," I thought to myself. 
I hope I can go to the Hamilton Zoo again.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

The Horse Party

On one windy Friday afternoon, when the wind was a breeze, we went to a horse party in Hamilton.
First, Bianca and I got our helmets. Mine was a black one with some white stripes on it and, at the front, was a silver horse that looked like it was galloping.
Before we got to ride the brown horses, we had a lolly scramble. There were milkeys and fruit bursts. I got three milkeys and five fruit bursts.After the lolly scramble, we had to ride the horses, I was first in line so I walked over to the horse and got on it. At first, it was lumpy. Soon it had started to trot forward. Next, the trot was a gallop. It ran in and out of the cones and back to the beginning again.I got off and walked to the back of the line. I could not wait to go again.

Wednesday 3 December 2014


One sunny afternoon, in the school holidays,  Michael and Amanda went to the zoo.
“Can we go to the tiger enclosure, first, Dad?”  asked Michael.
“Sure,” replied Dad, with a smile.
Michael and Amanda walked along the wooden steps hoping to see the tigers.
“See you there!!” yelled Amanda running toward the tiger cage.
When Michael started to run to catch up to her, he heard a loud Rooaaarrr.
“Could that be the tiger?” he thought. 
Michael caught up to her and told her what he had heard. When they got to the tiger enclosure, they saw that the cage door was open. Their mouths dropped open with terror.
“We’ve got to tell Mum and Dad.” 
Step by step, they ran through the trees to where Mum and Dad were standing. They saw some material lying on the ground. Then they heard Mum’s whisper coming from the tree. 
“Mum where are you? We’ve been looking for you.” “Ssshhhh,” Mum grumpily said, with her finger up to her lips.
Then they saw the tiger! 
“That must be why she shhd at us.”         
The material that they had seen had been ripped off Dad's shorts!”
“Then where is he? Yeah, come on Mum. What about that tiger? Let's find Dad first. He might know. Of course, great idea.”
Mum carefully climbed down from the tree looking at the tiger. “What if it wakes up and moves to another place? Like the office? Lots of other people might not know about it out of its cage. Come on, quick now.“
They ran to the office and told the zoo keepers that the tiger had got out of its cage. Lots and lots of zoo keepers came together.
”I've got an idea!” announced Amanda. “We can get a large piece of meat and get the tiger to chase us and get into one of the carts and back to where it belongs in its cage.”
“But what about the others in the zoo?“
“We can tell them all to leave the zoo,” so all the zoo keepers ran around the zoo to tell the other people to leave the zoo. 
Soon there were no other visitors in the zoo and the zoo keepers had got the meat, then they were in the cart getting the attention of the tiger to chase them. 
Finally, they were at the tiger cage. They got off as fast as they could and threw the large piece of meat into the cage. The large cat pounced into the cage and started to eat happily. The zoo keepers closed the gates, and one of them said, ”Thank you. I guess that you have earned a reward and that is to pat the tiger cubs.”

Wednesday 12 November 2014

The Water Slide

On Friday, we went to the pools and Bianca and I went on the water slide.
When we walked in, Bianca and I ran to the water slide. We got one of the black boards and ran up the stone steps, hoping to be be first in line.
When we got to the top, my legs were very sore so I held Bianca’s hand and walked over to the slide. There were a lot of other kids already there. It was a long time till it was our turn. The line had started to clear and it was our turn to go down the slide. We put the board on the slippery white surface of the water slide.
We slid down the slide. We went up down and side to side. Bianca and I put our hands in the rushing water that followed us to the end. Bianca nearly fell off. We got closer and closer to the end. I held my nose and held my breath.
SPLASH! We fell into the freezing cold water. We paddled to the end and, guess who was waiting at the end - Mum and Dad. Bianca was already half way up the steps so I ran to join her.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Go Noah

Did you hear about the amazing Go Noah production? We started to practise about six weeks ago.
We would always go out  to the hall and practise.  I was chosen to be an angel in the play.
Finally, it was time to do the play. All the angels started on the balcony and Noah started behind a bush then all the angels began to sing so I sang with them. 
After the song, all the angels went down and around to the back of the stage and waited till the curtains began to open and the angels began to sing. 
After that song was done, we made a line and my buddy was Page.

Thursday 14 August 2014

Food For Dinner

Food For Dinner

I’m sure we should have fish and chips for dinner.  
It is super healthy.    
It is super healthy because there is fish and potato chips they are super healthy don't you think  and you might get a drink. There are also a sausage dog with yummy sauce too. Why do the dishes. When you are done eating the fish and chips you don’t have to wash the dishes because you put all the rubbish into the middle of the newspaper grab the newspaper from the corners then throw it in the bin. Who doesn't  like fish and chips. I thought you loved sausages and fish and chips with sauce. Hey why don’t We have it for dinner tonight I hope you say yes.

Monday 16 June 2014

El Grego

On friday the school and I went into the hall to see the You’ve Got the Power Show.
My favourite event was when El Grego  pulled a rare gray parrot out of a bucket.
At first, he picked hunter rose on to the stage. El Grego asked her what her name was.
“Hunter Rose,” she said in a low voice. El Grego went and got a small black and white wand.  he asked her to wave it above
the bucket. she said it better work then he showed the school the bucket it was dark but there was no bird.
he tried again with a bigger wand but it still didn’t work. so he got a gigantic wand and it did work, but it was a toy bird, then he put it in the water and it turned into a live bird.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Skye and Storm

At the end of the school year,two young kids came home from school.they walked into the dining  room to see what was in side the box. one by one  they put their hands on the lid of the box and they lifted the the lid off the box.two of the cutest puppies sat and stared at the kids. they were full of joy.

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Bullying Poem

Why be a bully? 
They aren't tuf 
They are ruf 
That is enough 
Once I was bullied 
It was no fun 
If you ever see one
Then do not go near 
He or she will tear you apart .

Friday 18 April 2014

Holy Thursday Liturgy

Holy Thursday Liturgy

It was now the time of Passover. Jesus’ followers came to Him and said, “We will go and prepare everything for the Passover Feast. Where do you want to eat the feast?” Jesus answered, “Go into the city. A man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him. He will go into a house. Tell the owner of the house, “The teacher wants you to prepare the room for the Passover meal.” So the followers left and went into the city and prepared the Passover Feast.
In the evening, Jesus went to that house with the twelve. While they were eating, Jesus took the bread and gave God thanks and praise. He broke the bread, gave it to his disciples, and said: “Take this, all of you, and eat it; this is my body which will be given up for you.”

When supper was ended, he took the cup. Again he gave God thanks and praise, gave the cup to his disciples, and said: “Take this, all of you, and drink from it; this is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me.”

After some time, Jesus got up from the table and went to a different part of the room.  He put a large towel around him, making himself look like a servant.  After that, he poured water into a large bowl and began to wash the disciples' feet.  He then dried them with the towel that was wrapped around Him.

When Jesus had finished washing all of the disciples’ feet, he returned to the table.  "Do you understand what I have done for you?"  Jesus asked them.
Jesus is like a King - but even greater than a king, He's the King of Kings!  By washing the disciples’ feet, He was doing something that only a servant would do.
This is an example of how you should treat others.  You don't have to actually wash other people's feet, but do kind things to others and act like a servant for Jesus.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Live Simply Day

Today is Live Simply Day. We live a Live Simply Day so that we can stand in solidarity with the poor people in our world. To live simply means to go without anything that isn't needed for us to survive, such as technology and electrical devices like a toaster, a car, bikes and scooters.


Thursday 13 March 2014

Ash Wednesday

Symbols of the Holy Spirit

The other symbols of the Holy Spirit are oil, fire and the dove. You can see Room 4's symbols on our class blog at

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Honey Bees

What I found out: The worker bee collects the nectar. The other bee takes the honey and chews it into honey. It bats its wings to make it thick.

Friday 21 February 2014


Emily B Front Crawl from Pam Thomson on Vimeo.
If you want to see what else we did, visit our class blog at