Thursday, 5 December 2013

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Rock This Party

This morning, we went into the hall to do line dancing with Kate. We learnt heaps of new dance moves that we didn't know. We learnt step by step. It was a lot of fun. 
You can see us on our class blog at 

Monday, 2 December 2013

Jesse Tree

Emily B from Pam Thomson on Vimeo.

Pictures in the Mind

I have been practising using words in my writing that give readers pictures in their minds.
Three weeks ago, the school did athletics on the field.
It was a very nice warm day. The grass was as soft as my cat’s fur. I wanted to lie down on it. The first event I did was the high jump. The bar was as long as a giraffe neck.
In the line, I was second to last. Finally, it was my turn. I ran around in the shape of a colourful rainbow. I jumped over the bar like a grasshopper and ran back to the line. The bar had not fallen off. I got my second chance to jump.  I pounced over the bar, but, this time, it was higher. I landed face first onto the soft as a couch mat but do not worry. It did not hurt, so I laughed. I got back on my feet and ran back to the end of the line. My turn was coming up. I sprinted to the bar and scissor- kicked into the air and on to the mat again with the bar on my tum tum. Bad luck, I thought to myself, but I tried my best. I got another go. I took a step back and ran like a bee darting from flower to flower. I jumped over the bar.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Lollipop's Big Lesson

One day, in a beautiful city in a little girl's backyard, there lived a kitten called Lollipop. 
Lollipop climbed her favourite tree, not noticing that the tree was very old. When she got to the top branch, it started to wiggle.
Luckily, Lilly saw the branch wiggling with Lollipop on it. 
At that moment, the branch fell with Lollipop on it. Lilly caught Lollipop and said, "Now you have learnt a lesson."Well done, Emily. You can add a few things to help the readers understand the story better. Tell us about Lilly in the orientation. Explain why Lollipop wanted to climb the tree. Describe the tree.  

Friday, 25 October 2013

Saturday, 31 August 2013

My Dad is the Best

My dad is the best because he gives me stuff and takes me fishing and to Chipmunks and he got me a cat.  
He does the water-blasting.  He plays soccer with me.  He lets me go to my friend’s house.  
My dad does lawns and is good at sport.  
My dad tucks me in at night.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

My Wonderful Mother

My mother is wonderful because she makes cakes. She does my favourite flavour and lets me taste it first.  She lets me have the dough.
My mother is wonderful because she looks after me when I'm sick. She lets me sleep in her bed and puts a hot wet cloth on my forehead.
My mother is wonderful because she taught me how to swim. Every day, she would take me to the pools after school. She takes me to the pools on the weekend. We go down the waterslide together.

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Elgrego Magic Show.

Yesterday, we went in the hall to watch the awesome Elgrego magic show.
When we were ready, Elgrego began his magic show by making birds appear. Elgrego got a pot of hot fire, then he put the lid on the pot then a bird appeared. When there were  three beautful birds in the box, he got a  blanket and put it over the box, then he pulled it up and a big fat  rabbit appeared. It was awesome. We all clapped!

Next, he performed a magic trick with fizzy  raspberry drink. He got the ups and downs box and a fizzy drink. He put the drink in the box. He tipped the box up and 

down.There were no drips. 

After that, we watched Elgrego talk with Seemore, the baby dinosaur. Elgrego was being a ventriloquist for Seemore, the baby dinosaur. At school, Seemore was being bullied because he was green.

Finally, Elgrego did the trick of walking through a brick wall. He got the wall and a sheet. He put the sheet in frnt of him and he walked through the brick wall.

It was cool!!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

My First Soccer Game

On Saturday I played against the Raglan Dolphins in soccer.
The soccer field was wet and slippery and green. I was always slipping over.
I had a green shirts with black shorts. My kicks were so hard that the keeper was scared.  I kicked the ball with the front  of my foot. Reese was very good at goal keep. I am good at striking. David is in mid field. My dad is the coach for my team. My team got ten goals. The other team got three goals.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

A Fishy Tale

One day, Dad and I went fishing in my Dad's boat in the deep part of the calm and sparkly sea. 
Suddenly, I caught a small clown fish. I held the fish up and said "Fishing!!!" 
When we got home, we celebrated that I finally caught a clown fish.
By Emily Brown and Lara Koppers.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Holy Week

On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a  donkey. People waved palms as he rode by. People lay their cloaks on the ground, saying, "Hosanna to the king."On Holy Thursday, it was the last supper. They ate the bread and drank the wine.On Good Friday, Jesus died on the cross. He rose again on Easter Sunday.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Friday Sleepover

On Saturday, Uncle Aaron looked after us for the weekend. I was happy because Uncle Aaron is nice. Mum had a chocolate brownie for us so we had a piece.
When Mum and Dad went for a fishing trip, we went to the dairy and got an ice-cream. Uncle Aaron always likes having fun with us. He lives in Wellington so he came on a plane to see us.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Proper Nouns

This morning we learned about Proper Nouns which are special names given  to ordinary nouns  and always start with a Capital letter.  For example Sunday and all the days of the week,  people's names and anima'ls names. It was tricky.,

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Life in NZ Compared to life on Kapo Island

Our donations to Caritas are used to help the people on Kapo Island in Papua New Guinea.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Bio Poem

Sporty, strong, fast and artistic
Sister of Bianca
Lover of hydroslides, family and soccer
Who feels happy, sad and angry
Who needs snow, a bed and my home
Who gives presents,smiles and fun
Who fears lions, bears and tigers
Who likes banana sandwiches, swimming and playing
Who comes from Ngaruawahia, New Zealand

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Shrove Tuesday

Today is Shrove Tuesday. This morning, we burnt last year's Palm Sunday palms into ash so that Father Keane can use them tomorrow on Ash Wednesday.