Tuesday 28 May 2013

Elgrego Magic Show.

Yesterday, we went in the hall to watch the awesome Elgrego magic show.
When we were ready, Elgrego began his magic show by making birds appear. Elgrego got a pot of hot fire, then he put the lid on the pot then a bird appeared. When there were  three beautful birds in the box, he got a  blanket and put it over the box, then he pulled it up and a big fat  rabbit appeared. It was awesome. We all clapped!

Next, he performed a magic trick with fizzy  raspberry drink. He got the ups and downs box and a fizzy drink. He put the drink in the box. He tipped the box up and 

down.There were no drips. 

After that, we watched Elgrego talk with Seemore, the baby dinosaur. Elgrego was being a ventriloquist for Seemore, the baby dinosaur. At school, Seemore was being bullied because he was green.

Finally, Elgrego did the trick of walking through a brick wall. He got the wall and a sheet. He put the sheet in frnt of him and he walked through the brick wall.

It was cool!!

Tuesday 21 May 2013

My First Soccer Game

On Saturday I played against the Raglan Dolphins in soccer.
The soccer field was wet and slippery and green. I was always slipping over.
I had a green shirts with black shorts. My kicks were so hard that the keeper was scared.  I kicked the ball with the front  of my foot. Reese was very good at goal keep. I am good at striking. David is in mid field. My dad is the coach for my team. My team got ten goals. The other team got three goals.