Wednesday 27 March 2013

Holy Week

On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a  donkey. People waved palms as he rode by. People lay their cloaks on the ground, saying, "Hosanna to the king."On Holy Thursday, it was the last supper. They ate the bread and drank the wine.On Good Friday, Jesus died on the cross. He rose again on Easter Sunday.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Friday Sleepover

On Saturday, Uncle Aaron looked after us for the weekend. I was happy because Uncle Aaron is nice. Mum had a chocolate brownie for us so we had a piece.
When Mum and Dad went for a fishing trip, we went to the dairy and got an ice-cream. Uncle Aaron always likes having fun with us. He lives in Wellington so he came on a plane to see us.

Monday 4 March 2013

Proper Nouns

This morning we learned about Proper Nouns which are special names given  to ordinary nouns  and always start with a Capital letter.  For example Sunday and all the days of the week,  people's names and anima'ls names. It was tricky.,